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The Rarkyn's Familiar is getting published!

Nikky Lee

The Rarkyn's Familiar by Nikky Lee title banner

Eleven years ago, the seeds of a story about a girl and a monster bonded together weaseled its way onto paper for a university assignment. Little did I know it then, but what was supposed to be a short(ish) fantasy story turned out not so little after all. Just as monsters have a tendency to get out of control, this beastie grew to epic proportions.

Fast forward to 2020 and I'm delighted to say that The Rarkyn's Familiar trilogy will be published by US publisher, The Parliament House! The first book is due out in 2022.

If you're on Goodreads and want to do a writer a favour, add it to your "Want to Read" pile.

In the meantime, it's going to be bum-in-chair, get-the-words-down kind of year (probably two) to finish the next two books in the series. To family who might be reading this, if you could pry me off my desk and air me out in the sun from time to time, that would be most appreciated.

But I digress. Read the full announcement here or watch my (slightly embarrassing) submission video here.

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