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THE RARKYN'S FAMILIAR wins a Sir Julius Vogel Award

Nikky Lee

I'm over the moon to share that The Rarkyn's Familiar has won a 2023 Sir Julius Vogel Award for Best Youth Novel! *Insert excited author squeals*

Nikky Lee holding a Sir Julius Vogel Award trophy and her book, The Rarkyn's Familiar.
Thank you to Gareth Ward for letting me borrow his 2019 award at Armageddon to take this happy snap the morning after the award ceremony.

The Sir Julius Vogel awards recognise excellence in Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Horror works created by New Zealanders and New Zealand residents. Earlier this year, I was delighted to be shortlisted in the Youth Novel and Best New Talent categories, and on Sunday night, even more flabbergasted to win the Youth Novel category.

Alas, tech gremlins prevailed on the night and I was unable to give my hastly bulletpointed acceptance speech, so I'm going to do my thank yous here.

To my editor, Cindy Kilbourne, who picked out this story in a Twitter pitching contest and championed it all the way through. It has been amazing having you in my corner. Lyss and Skaar couldn't have asked for a better cheerleader.

The Parliament House team, especially Malorie, Alyssa, Megan, Jennifer and Alex, for their tireless efforts in proofing, marketing, and liaising behind the scenes.

Kolarp Em and Shayne Leighton who illustrated and designed The Rarkyn's Familiar's fabulous cover.

My fellow authors in The North Shore Writers Group headed by Tim Owen—without your championing this book would never have been finished.

To my beta readers, Marjan, Robinne, Kay, Rich, Kirsten, Su, and Jan, who polietly pointed out the difference between 'pommel' and 'pummel', stress tested all my plot holes, and whose honest feedback helped this story evolve in all the right ways.

To my family and husband, your never ending support means the world to me.

Lastly, to the fans who read and voted for Lyss and Skaar, thank you so much.


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