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THE RARKYN'S FAMILIAR named 2022 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards Bronze Winner

Nikky Lee

I'm delighted to announce The Rarkyn's Familiar has been named the 2022 BRONZE Winner in Young Adult Fiction in the 25th annual Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards!

The Rarkyn's Familiar book and a bronze Foreward Indies Winner sticker

Foreword Reviews, a book review journal focusing on independently published books, announced the winners of its INDIES Book of the Year Awards today. The INDIES recognise the best books published in 2022 from independent and university presses, as well as self-published authors. You can view all of the winners here.

For this year’s competition, over 2,600 entries were submitted in 55 categories, with Foreword’s editors choosing the finalists. Those titles were then mailed to individual librarians and booksellers charged with picking the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Honorable Mention winners.


About Foreword Magazine: Celebrating 25 years, Foreword Reviews provides trade book reviews of the best titles from independent presses. In print, and online, its FOLIO award-winning design and editorial content has made the magazine a favorite among librarians, booksellers, and avid readers since 1998. This June, Foreword is introducing the Library Insights Summit (LIS), a conference for publishers to engage with librarian innovators in a day-long, pre ALA event.


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